
Wolverine Wolverine


Fiorella Fiorella


Nascimento: 29/06/2020

Border Collie

Machos: 5

Fêmeas: 3

Disponíveis: 0

Conheça o pedigree

Filhotes Border Collie

Cazunatti Sognare BW Christian Dior Cazunatti Sognare BW Christian Dior

Cazunatti Sognare BW Christian Dior

Border Collie


Preto e branco

Cazunatti Sognare BW Thomas Burberry Cazunatti Sognare BW Thomas Burberry

Cazunatti Sognare BW Thomas Burberry

Border Collie


Preto e branco

Cazunatti Sognare BW Coco Chanel Cazunatti Sognare BW Coco Chanel

Cazunatti Sognare BW Coco Chanel

Border Collie


Preta e branca

Cazunatti Sognare BW Miuccia Prada Cazunatti Sognare BW Miuccia Prada

Cazunatti Sognare BW Miuccia Prada

Border Collie


Preta e branca


Border Wish Goofy Border Wish Goofy

Border Wish Goofy

The Incredible Armani at Real Pearl The Incredible Armani at Real Pearl

The Incredible Armani at Real Pearl

Wisdom Scout I'm Lizzie and I Need Love Wisdom Scout I'm Lizzie and I Need Love

Wisdom Scout I'm Lizzie and I Need Love

FirstClass At Real Pearl FirstClass At Real Pearl

FirstClass At Real Pearl

Sactoramento Kings di Sutri Sactoramento Kings di Sutri

Sactoramento Kings di Sutri

Quest For Fire of Cleverland Quest For Fire of Cleverland DE

Quest For Fire of Cleverland

Le Happy Portal do Border Hundewelt Le Happy Portal do Border Hundewelt

Le Happy Portal do Border Hundewelt




Fiorella Leona Panther Dream Von Vicz Fiorella Leona Panther Dream Von Vicz BR

Fiorella Leona Panther Dream Von Vicz

SB Hagrid BM do Emporium dos Cães SB Hagrid BM do Emporium dos Cães BR

SB Hagrid BM do Emporium dos Cães

Polly HP Von Vicz Polly HP Von Vicz BR

Polly HP Von Vicz

Best In Border Be A Clown Best In Border Be A Clown BR

Best In Border Be A Clown

Best In Border Kiss Of The Spider Woman Best In Border Kiss Of The Spider Woman BR

Best In Border Kiss Of The Spider Woman

SB Hagrid BM do Emporium dos Cães SB Hagrid BM do Emporium dos Cães BR

SB Hagrid BM do Emporium dos Cães

Princes M.G. Princes M.G.

Princes M.G.

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